
The world is celebrating Digital Learning Day! But is it enough to just learn? UNESCO believes, and so do we at Midiacode, that true empowerment comes from Digital Learning and we still believe in something more, the Digital Knowing.

Digital Learning opens doors to knowledge for everyone, everywhere. Imagine the possibilities! The Cyberspace itself, as philosopher Pierre Lévy suggests, is a powerful tool for spreading knowledge globally. However, access to technology, devices, internet, and quality content is crucial. We need to commit to bridge the digital divide and equip as much people as possible with the tools to learn.

Think of history’s brightest minds – Da Vinci, Einstein, Curie, Comaneci, Ronaldinho Gaúcho – what could they achieve with today’s knowledge access, learning and AI? On the other hand, limiting access, as some neo-luddites suggest, for fear of misuse is dangerous and unethical. Knowledge and smart tools shouldn’t be a privilege for a select few.

The responsibility lies with all of us – families, companies, and organizations. Are you equipping those you influence with the best knowledge and tools?

Midiacode’s Commitment to Digital Knowing

We at Midiacode are proud to be pioneers in Digital Knowing. Our technology empowers people to retain knowledge throughout their lives. This is critical in an age of automation and AI. As Charlie Chaplin said, “We are humans, not machines!” So, we don’t need to compete with such “machines”, neither become a “machine”, but we need to use them to evolve and to better perform. We have the potential to excel, but we need the right tools.

Digital Knowing goes beyond just learning. It’s about retaining knowledge for optimal performance, anytime, anywhere. This is just as important as initial learning, for students, employees, citizens, customers and everyone.

Organizations must not just focus on learning, but also on helping people retain and access knowledge readily. By mastering Digital Knowing, we can better address the challenges facing the future of work.

The future holds robots, automation and AI – it’s inevitable. But let’s empower humans to learn better, retain knowledge easily, and access it through technology.

At Midiacode, we’re dedicated to both Digital Learning and Digital Knowing. We believe in unlocking human potential and creating a future where knowledge fuels unimaginable advancements.

Celebrate with us, not just Digital Learning Day, but the power of lifelong Digital Knowing!

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If you got interested on Digital Learning and Knowing, keep reading…

What is Digital Knowing?

What is Digital Knowing, as presented in the text,  refers to the ability to not just learn information digitally, but to also retain and readily access that knowledge whenever you need it.

Breakdown of the concept:

Digital Learning: This is the process of acquiring knowledge through digital means, like online courses, educational apps, or websites.

Digital Knowing: This builds on learning and emphasizes retaining the information. It involves strategies and tools to help you remember and access what you’ve learned effectively.

Some key aspects of Digital Knowing:

Effective Learning Techniques: Using methods that go beyond passive learning, like spaced repetition or active recall, to solidify knowledge in your memory.

Knowledge Organization Systems: Employing tools like digital flashcards, knowledge management apps, or personalized learning platforms to categorize and store information for easy retrieval.

Accessibility: Making sure the learned information is readily available when needed. This could involve using digital note-taking apps, creating searchable summaries, or having access to online resources where the knowledge is stored.

Digital Knowing allows you to:

Become a more effective learner: By easily accessing previously learned information, you can build upon existing knowledge and deepen your understanding of new topics.

Improve performance: Having knowledge readily available empowers you to perform better in various situations, at work, school, or even everyday life.

Become a lifelong learner: With the ability to retain and access information, you’re better equipped to continuously learn and adapt in a rapidly changing world.