and lectures
Your presentation can be captured on the spot by people!

Midiacode offers
All the content of your presentation is delivered through the QR Code that can be on your slide and also delivers the content that is in all other marketing pieces, including TV and the Internet, directly on the consumer’s smartphone in a way:
The person captures the QR Code and stores the content that interests them on their smartphone.
Updated information with multiple links (video, URL, e-commerce and any other).
The consumer takes the content of your presentation to access it, by smartphone, whenever they want, even after the presentation is over.
Content that your audience has access to can be shared with others, increasing the reach of your presentation.
Fast and Intuitive
With just one touch, the public has access to the content you make available.
Whenever you want to update content, everyone who captures the QR Code will receive the news.
QR CODE Capture
At any time, people can point their cell phone camera at the QR Code projected or that appears on the computer, tablet, or cell phone screen.
All the information you provided in that code will automatically be loaded on their smartphone: your presentation, a summary of it, just a few slides, your contacts, your social networks, videos, surveys, a link to your website, a link for people to buy your product online, high-resolution images, and any other interesting content you want to put on the QR Code.
What’s more, whenever you update the information, all the people who captured that QR Code can be notified (via the app) and, when they open the content, they will already have the new information! Isn’t that cool?

In addition to all the examples mentioned, you can also deliver mini-apps to your audience! And what is this?
Through small application modules with specific objectives that you define, you will be able to deliver various functionalities to people and your entire team.
As we are a state-of-the-art QR Code platform, we can, through the same code, deliver different content according to the user’s profile.
See some examples below:

big data and analytics
You measure every interaction people make with your QR Code. How many downloads, shares, how many captures, reads, deletions were made and many other data.
You publish a QR Code at the address you want so that people have access to your content without needing to capture the QR.

Through the QR Code you can do surveys with your audience.
consumer behavior
You can better understand the behavior of your audience through the interactions of the content you make available in QR Codes
Why use midiacode in your presentations?
You decide the experience your audience will have, from start to finish!

With our QR Code you can stay connected with your audience and engage them more and more, delivering rich and interactive content even after your presentation.
Add as many interactivity blocks as you want with our platform. It can be product catalogs, slides of a presentation, filling out form, game, among others. And this can be done individually or all together. It's easy to create and maintain more impactful mobile experiences for your audience.
Our QR Code integrates with all payment platforms, donations, crowdfunding, etc. By capturing the code, the user will be able to enjoy the content you make available and access the payment button, if necessary.
Understand the difference between X Simple QR Code and 3rd Generation QR Code

- Custom QR Code
- User notification
Content update
without changing QR Code - Delivery 3 extra links (website, video, purchases)
- Access to content without internet
- Sends you to a URL
Content Hosting
Mobile Web Pages - Georeferencing (geolocation)
- Analytics
- Users email
- Link Shortener
- Free QR Code
It delivers several types of content in a single QR Code (videos, images, audios,
sites, social networks, maps, forms, texts, spreadsheets)
- Custom QR Code
- User notification
Content update
without changing QR Code - Delivery 3 extra links (website, video, purchases)
- Access to content without internet
- Sends you to a URL
Content Hosting
Mobile Web Pages - Georeferencing (geolocation)
- Analytics
- User email
- Link Shortener
- Free QR Code
It delivers several types of content in a single QR Code (videos, images, audios,
sites, social networks, maps, forms, texts, spreadsheets)
We have simple and 3rd generation QR Codes. You just choose yours and start using it.