
Super app

Intelligent Super Apps
Simplify Everything. Supercharge Your Life.
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One place to everything
Forget juggling multiple apps. Our Super App empowers you to manage everything with ease, content, tasks, systems, all together, at your hand.
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Create and Edit Your Experience
Our one of a kind architecture gives you freedon and flexibility
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Experience the Future, Today.
Our innovative Super App is designed to evolve with your needs. Discover a world of possibilities and unlock a brighter digital tomorrow.
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Let's create a Super App?

Make the life of your clients, consumers and/or citizens simpler, with our Super App technology powered by Midiacode, delivering many content types and experiences: news, articles, photos, e-books, videos, gamification; publish forms; integrate the Super App with your legacy systems and much more. The imagination is the limit!
Develop your Super App with us. Our technology allows you to expand the app’s functionality quickly and at an extremely affordable cost.


Our mobile platform is native to Android and iOS with over 70 features ready to use right away.

70 days

We publish your super app on Google Play and Apple Store within 70 days! Yes, to a real super app, it is almost a miracle!

What is a Super App?

It’s an app that groups many features according to your needs. For example, in China, WeChat was born as an instant messaging app (like WhatsApp), but today they do much more: you can order food, consult a doctor, book travel packages, flirt, buy all kinds of products, call a taxi, see posts from friends and check fanpages. Also in China, Alipay, which was born as a payment app (digital wallet), today you can, in addition to making purchases and all basic digital wallet operations (such as paying and receiving money), you can also buy bus tickets and train, food ordering, car travel and insurance selection.

WANT to create your super app?

Contact us


Data and Intelligence

Having the data concentrated on a single platform and cross-referencing it efficiently, in order to find the facts and information that can improve the user’s life even more. When many features are present on the same platform, it is easy to understand, for example, that the customer who reads a product’s digital manual the most is also the one who takes that product the least for technical assistance. With this data separated, it is difficult to cross this information and generate intelligence.

Simplification and Ease

The quantity of technologies and equipment that modern life imposes on people is overwhelming. An avalanche of information and gadgets leaves the most tech-savvy exhausted. An exercise in simplification is essential for all segments that develop technological solutions for society. Super Apps represent this simplification. Why have multiple apps when you can only have one? Why enter your username and password three or four times when you can only do it once?

Diversity and Convenience

A Super App attracts users through diversity and convenience. Without requiring you to have dozens of apps installed from each company or government instance, people’s lives are much easier and their needs are met more broadly.

Easy is better! When the Super App is well built, the features are easily accessible by the user.


The cost of creating and maintaining a Super App is significantly lower than that of creating and maintaining several apps. In a scale economy where new technologies are developed on a regular basis, investment optimisation is crucial for businesses. As for governments, every effective manager’s job is to use public resources as economically and wisely as possible.


When a brand’s customer only needs to download one app to relate to the products they like, their relationship with the company becomes much more efficient. For governments, when city schedules, restaurants and many other activities are revealed to the citizen or tourist in a Super App, imagine the efficiency gain for all sides!


Our Super Apps have technologies that allow people to capture modules and functionalities according to the places they go (geolocation), the things they interact with (transmedia and IoT) and the digital content they access (links). As you interact with all these physical and digital elements, the app registers your interests and options.


The Super Apps that Midiacode delivers adapt to the specific needs of each user. It’s as if you were developing an app for each of your customers or citizens.

With us, it is easy!

The ease we deliver with our super apps solution has two sides:

The first is the final-user side, who can easily find your content, always at hand, with or without internet.

The second side is the content publisher side, we’ve invested a lot of resources in developing an easy-to-use publishing platform.

Manage the super app from anywhere

You can create and manage your content from anywhere, create texts on our platform or in any other program. See other features and facilities we offer.

Midiacode Studio

Through our web portal, Midiacode Studio, you and your team can manage the contents of your application whenever you need it and wherever you are. #DIY!


Create texts in the tool of your choice and save as PDF. You can also use our platform to create whatever you want and edit it whenever you need to.

Link Shortener

Use our link shortener to make your web address always the same and smaller. Disclosure guaranteed without fear of the link expiring.

QR Code and short link

All content created on our platform earns a QR Code in 2 formats: PNG and SVG. In addition, they get a very short link for you to use and share wherever you want.

Extra links

The publisher can associate extra links to the content. Links to your social network, store, video, website or any other. The links will be delivered by the dynamic QR Code, which can be changed whenever needed.

Dynamic QR Code

Is your content out of date or do you want to change your strategy? With our dynamic QR Code you can turn the link into a redirector to your website, for example.

Customize your Link Menu

Want to customize the link? We can register a new domain for you and all your links will be branded.

Customize your QR Code

Want to customize the QR Code with your brand, text or image? We do it very quickly.

Customize your Menu

Group your content by theme within a channel. They are also prominently displayed on the app's homepage so you can see them first.


Extend your app with Mini-Apps

Group all your systems for users in one place. Together, we can create new features or adapt existing web systems with Midiacode Mini-App technology and thus extend the features of your Super App. The Midiacode Mini-App technology is web-based (html, css, and javascript) and known to most developers. It allows you to quickly, with little development, adapt existing systems. Updating these mini-apps is instantaneous. Users can capture new functionality without having to reinstall the native app on their mobile device. And for those who have little storage space on their cell phone, the new features take up very little space (about 0.01 MB).

Google Forms

Create survey forms in Google Forms and let users respond right in the app.


Cappasity is an innovative 3D imaging platform. Create your products on it and allow a much more immersive 3D and 360º viewing experience of your products.

networking tool

Through the Networking Tool mini-app, users register their interest in doing business or promoting their contacts.


Seppo is a gamification platform. Create your game on the Seppo platform and allow your users to play directly in your super app.

new extensions

Please contact us to add new extensions not yet supported. We can jointly develop new mini-apps to suit your needs.

virtual business card

Participants can access the list of stakeholders and capture virtual business cards facilitating networking. In addition, they can search by name, or filter by company, area of activity, state or city to facilitate the search.


"Hello how are you? I've been a support analyst for 12 years and I can sum up my experience with implementing Midiacode in one word: simplicity. The company has a support customer channel that responds to our requests via ticket, something very professional that guarantees the return of an eventual request. The navigation areas are simple for any type of user, from the inexperienced to the most experienced. Thank you for the simple and competent way of being added to our company and that we can continue on this journey together."
Leandro Mota
BNI Support Analyst
"Midiacode has demonstrated, so far, high efficiency and effectiveness in the quality of services provided, which is why, in our opinion, there is nothing that can discredit it."
Major Basso
Civil Defense SP


Contact us

For upgrades and more information about plans, services and products.