The Content Avalanche and the Rise of Intelligent Super Apps
In today’s information avalanche, are you cutting through the noise or contributing to it? Customers and employees are bombarded with a growing stream of content, tasks, and systems from a multitude of channels. We all have a role to play in reducing this overload. What can you do to help people to achieve a better […]
Revolutionizing Engagement: How a Super App Transforms into Your Digital Magazine and More
Nowadays, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to connect with their audiences. As responsible to deliver good content and good engagement experiences to your audiences, you understand that the key to success on deliverying such experiences lies in adapting to the ever-changing digital landscape. Let me introduce you to the super app – a versatile […]
The Power of QR Codes in Smart Packaging: Unlocking Consumer Engagement
In today’s fast-paced world of marketing and branding, connecting with consumers has become an increasingly challenging task. As brands strive to establish deeper bonds with their customers, they often overlook a powerful opportunity right before their eyes – smart packaging with QR codes. These unassuming black and white squares possess the potential to revolutionize consumer […]
How Super Apps Revolutionize Micro-Moments: A Complete Guide
Welcome to the digital era, where consumer needs demand instant gratification. In this fast-paced world, micro-moments have become pivotal. These fleeting instances occur when people turn to their mobile devices to fulfill an immediate need. Whether seeking information, making purchase decisions, troubleshooting, or accomplishing tasks, these “micro” moments can significantly influence consumer actions. In this […]
10 Reasons Why Your Brand Needs a Mobile App, instead of using only Social Media
In today’s digital landscape, a robust social media presence is vital, but don’t overlook the unique benefits a dedicated mobile app can bring to your brand. In this blog post, we delve into the top 10 reasons why your brand should have a mobile app, complementing your social media strategy and elevating user experience. Discover […]
9 Compelling Reasons to Have a Mobile App for Your Brand, even having a great responsive website.
Why should my brand have an app if I already have a website? In today’s digital landscape, having a robust online presence is essential for any brand. While a website is a fundamental platform for reaching a broader audience, there are compelling reasons why adding a mobile app can take your brand to new heights. […]
Agora é a vez da Hering Kids inovar com o Midiacode!
Agora é a vez da Hering Kids inovar com o Midiacode! Na compra de produtos, o cliente ganha um fone de ouvido smart-conectado.
Segundo dados do Hemocentro de São Paulo, Fundação Pró-Sangue, o estoque de sangue está 60% abaixo do desejado, condição considerada crítica.
Movimento Maio Amarelo, todos por um número menor de mortes e feridos no trânsito
Movimento Maio Amarelo, todos por um número menor de mortes e feridos no trânsito. Quase 1300 pessoas morreram no estado de SP entre Janeiro e Março de 2017, cuja maioria são jovens!
4 Dicas para criar um bom conteúdo
Ao publicar seu conteúdo com o Midiacode e alcançar a satisfação e credibilidade do seu cliente, é importante que você tenha sempre em mente…
Mais smartphones, menos computadores
A utilização de smartphone no Brasil superou o uso de computadores em 2016, segundo dados da Fundação Getúlio Vargas de São Paulo – (FVG-SP)! São 168 milhões de smartphones contra 160 milhões de computadores!