The Content Avalanche and the Rise of Intelligent Super Apps

In today’s information avalanche, are you cutting through the noise or contributing to it? Customers and employees are bombarded with a growing stream of content, tasks, and systems from a multitude of channels. We all have a role to play in reducing this overload. What can you do to help people to achieve a better […]
Revolutionizing Beauty with Smart Packaging: Midiacode and REVLON partnering to make Brazilian regulations easy to cope.

We are thrilled to share some groundbreaking news! Our company has officially joined forces with REVLON, one of the world’s leading beauty brands, for a smart packaging project that in simple steps solves the RDC 773 regulation. The beauty industry is ever-evolving, and we believe that smart packaging is the future. By incorporating cutting-edge technology […]
Exploring the Versatility of Super Apps Beyond Financial Services

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the concept of “super apps” has garnered significant attention. Initially synonymous with financial services, super apps are increasingly branching out into a wide array of industries, offering users a convenient and all-encompassing platform for various needs. This article delves into the multifaceted nature of super apps, highlighting their expanding […]
10 Reasons Why Your Brand Needs a Mobile App, instead of using only Social Media

In today’s digital landscape, a robust social media presence is vital, but don’t overlook the unique benefits a dedicated mobile app can bring to your brand. In this blog post, we delve into the top 10 reasons why your brand should have a mobile app, complementing your social media strategy and elevating user experience. Discover […]
Nem rir, nem chorar, mas entender o mercado de eventos!

Nem rir, nem chorar, mas entender! Essa é uma frase interessante do Domenico DeMasi, sim aquele do Ócio Criativo, provavelmente parafraseando
Sete tendências fundamentais para o mercado de Eventos no Brasil

Todo conteúdo que fala sobre tendências em eventos, acaba trazendo matérias enlatadas de sites americanos ou europeus que pouco refletem o nível de evolução do mercado brasileiro. Trazemos aqui 7 tendências que são fruto da realidade brasileira.
Cidades Inteligentes pedem Eventos Inteligentes: CSC Brasília e São Paulo

Uma cidade pode ser inteligente principalmente quando ela respeita a inteligência de seus cidadãos e visitantes.