More closeness and engagement among all Scouts

more ease and connection
With Midiacode, Scouts were able to promote communication with the Cubs and all who are part of the group, in addition to facilitating the search for information and materials and bringing closer contact between the regional level and the Local Scout Units.
“I see a lot of added value”

scouts app
With the Scouts of Brazil app, communication and engagement of the entire team became easier and always updated. All content gathered in one place and available for everyone to access.
connected scouts
Each session leader has the autonomy to create content on the platform and make it available to their group with always up-to-date information. In addition, you can see through analytics how many Cubs and team members are accessing the content, reading, downloading and other interesting features available in the Scouts app and on the Midiacode platform.
Learning has become easier for the Cubs, because now they can, through the app installed on their smartphone, play with each other and individually as well. Each team can create their own game, putting into practice their creativity, entrepreneurship, rules, teamwork and so on.
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