
Why 500k Marketers Use Midiacode QR Code Platform: Q/A with Robson Lisboa

Midiacode is featured on Website Planet. The article discusses how Midiacode empowers brands to share a variety of links and content through their innovative QR Codes and comprehensive suite of mobile marketing and content delivery solutions. Lisboa [likely a spokesperson from Midiacode] also shared valuable insights regarding their customer-focused approach and dedication to ongoing innovation. […]

The Content Avalanche and the Rise of Intelligent Super Apps

In today’s information avalanche, are you cutting through the noise or contributing to it?  Customers and employees are bombarded with a growing stream of content, tasks, and systems from a multitude of channels.  We all have a role to play in reducing this overload. What can you do to help people to achieve a better […]

Midiacode Super App – UPDATE!

Se prefere ler este post em Português, clique aqui. We are communicating to all users of Super App Midiacode (and other whitelabels generated by us) that the mobile platform will undergo an update. Due to new security and data privacy demands from the Apple iOS (Apple App Store) and Android (Google Play) app stores, we […]

Perguntas frequentes

Pra que serve o Midiacode? O Midiacode é uma plataforma única no mundo. Debaixo de um único login, nossos clientes acessam uma suíte com 6 ferramentas de mobile content e mobile marketing:  QR Codes de última geração Super Apps Hospedagem de conteúdos mobile em cloud (mobile web) Encurtador de links Página de links e Cartão […]